Wednesday, July 11, 2007

A big grown up boy!

Hello there everyone!

Well what can I say other than……..WOW!
What an incredibly busy time life has been in the Pacitti household of late.
Mark has just returned from 10days in the UK, narrowly missing the awful Glasgow bomb by 1 day. I was very happy to see him on Wednesday morning, even at 5.00am in the morning!
We had a lovely time while Irene and Tony were over and celebrated Jack’s baptism a few days before they went home.
As you can see in the photos our darling Jack is growing up very fast and I don’t think that I can call him a baby anymore, well maybe just a few more weeks until he starts walking. He is very good at pulling himself up and walking around and behind things but still hasn’t mastered standing solo or even attempting to for that matter. Crawling seems to be keeping him content so far.
He is a cheeky little thing and certainly seems to have inherited his mums hot temper, poor mark!
Albert and now Albert Junior are constant companions, very cute especially when they get cuddles and kisses on command.
We had a great day today at the play centre, he loved the big slide that dad let him go down all by himself.
We are still madly in love with him and can’t believe that he is ours.
On the other side of life on the 1st July 2007…….Mark and I became the owners of APR Design (Graphic Design Business where i have worked for the last 8 1/2 years).
We are very excited and petrified at the same time, and did I mention exhausted!
Mark is going to continue working his full time role at PA and the poor lad will then have to come home at night to assist with all things APR!
I am going to attempt to stick to 3 days in the studio and 2 days from home….fingers crossed. It is a major lifestyle change that we are only just on the edge of realizing how major…..but with so much love and support from our family and friends we feel like we can achieve anything.
I will keep you all posted…..
Must go now and pay some attention to my other babies Baldrick and Belle.
Lots of love to you all.
Tess xxxoooooo

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Jack is ONE!

Hello there family & friends

Jack is now a big 1 year old! He had a wonderful 1st birthday.
As you can see from the photos the theme was Pirates…..very cute.
Gramma & Grampa are here from Glasgow and Jack is enjoying spending lots of time getting to know them properly.
I hope you are all well and that we may in fact see some of you in the near future,
fingers crossed anyway!
Love Tess, Mark, Jack and the terrible two xxxooo

Sunday, April 01, 2007

March Blog 07

Dear family and friends

Yet another month gone and now it’s April!
Wow….it is so hard to believe that this time last year we were wishing the days away until Jacks due date….now we wish that we could freeze time.
We have been having stacks of fun and really love seeing the world through Jack’s eyes as he is now crawling and into everything.
Finally the weather has cooled down this week and we have had some rain, much needed for the garden. We are looking forward to seeing Gramma & Grampa in a few weeks time when they arrive in Melb to celebrate Jack’s 1st birthday.
Anyway here are some pics from the last month, including one of the huge red back spider that Mark and Dad spotted a few weeks ago when we were in Ballarat for the weekend.
Love to you all.
Tess and Jack xxxxx