Friday, January 05, 2007

Hey there folks!

Little Jack Santa
MMmmm Watermelon

Dear Family and Friends

Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas to you all!
We had a wonderful time with Jack on his 1st Christmas. He was totally spoilt and we need a bigger house to fit all of his presents. Today we are sitting on top of the air con trying to stay cool. We are having a hot spell at the moment which is great and really feels like summer at last, but little Bubba J finds it a bit hard to cope at night time.
Last night he took his nappy off all by himself in bed, lucky I got there in time before he had made a mess!
We spent Christmas at mum and dad’s place then had New Years at Raymond Island with Lukas and Sez… was great to get away for a few days and felt like a mini holiday. Jack had a bad tonsillitis attack for a few days but he is just fine now.
He also has 3 bottom teeth and 2 front top teeth now…..very cute but boy they hurt when he bites!
We went to the beach yesterday for a swim and Jack experienced sand for the 1st time…….after successfully eating 2 handfuls of sand ( my skin was crawling with each mouthful, like finger nails on a blackboard) he had a little paddle in the waves and loved it! The photos are a mix of shots taken from the end of Nov until now.
I hope that you are all well and happy and that 2007 brings lots of love and happiness to you all. Must dash……little man has just made me a present!!! YUK

Love always Tess and Bubba



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