Sunday, October 15, 2006


Hello family and friends

Yes again I have been a little slack in updating the blog.
We have had a fun filled month so far, with Jack’s swimming lessons being the highlight.
He LOVES it… does his very proud Dad. He is so relaxed and happy in the water, we are so pleased that he has taken to it so well. Pumpkin and rice cereal have been featuring daily in Jack’s diet for the last few weeks and he is a great little eater.
He has inherited a healthy appetite from his Dad…..devouring a little too much pumpkin today. He sits up in his high chair and even has a go himself with the spoon.
It is really quite scary how quickly he is growing up.
Anyway the latest pics really just show how much he has grown, including the thicker blonde hair growing each day.
Take care lots of love always from Tess and Bubba J xxxxx

Scroll down for pics

October stuff

Jack with his rattle
Jack and the original 'Slacka"
Eating his apple
Happy Jack
Jack in his 'Dick Dacks' for swimming....what an aussie!!!

October stuff cont...

Granmargie and Jack
Daddy and Jack at swimming

Uncles Andy, James and Brendan with Bubba J
Jack eating his a big boy!