Friday, November 17, 2006

Noivember news

Chicks Dig Me
Banjo,Jack & Poppy
Hello everyone!
I have been slow in updating the site…..sorry about that.
We are having a great time at the moment with solid food and still lots of milk each day.
Jack’s 1st tooth came through on Monday, I only knew when he bit my finger!
He now weighs just over 8kg and is a chubby little dude to say the least.
I love this age and wish that I could freeze time. He is so communicative and interactive but the best thing is that I can still out him down and he doesn’t go anywhere.
Not for long though. He also sits up by himself and likes to watch the Simpsons!
The other babies have been a little nutty the last few days with the cold weather and wind. Baldrick loves Jack and would lick him to death if he could. Queenie is a little more dismissive but still gives him the odd sniff now and then.
As you can see from the photos Jack also had his first horse ride on Banjo a few weeks ago. He looked so little on the back of such a big horse. Poppy Denny was thrilled and I am sure it is the beginning of a lifelong love of horses.
Mark is off to India in early December for a few days which is a bit annoying but something that he has been needing to do for work for awhile. Jack, the twins and I will most likely go and stay with mum and dad while he is away.
It is Mark’s bday on Sat and we have tickets to see U2. We are so excited and am sure that it will a great night. Louise and Tim are going to babysit Jack for us as mum is still recovering from her shingles. Anyway must dash…Jack has just woken up.
Hope you like the latest round of pics.
Lots of love always Tess and Bubba J xxxxxxxooooooooo

Happy days

Red Hat
blue eyes
Daddy,Banjo,Jack & Poppy
Granmargie and Jack


Happy Days

Happy Family
It's hard work eating real food!
Caelan and Jack
Mumma & Bubba J
Lucas and Jack